Jul 31, 2024

Open-Source LLM vs Closed Source LLM for Enterprise Use-Cases

Open-source LLM reduced enterprise cost & provide customization with rapid innovation VS. close-source LLM provide ease of use, dedicated support with high security measures

Open-Source vs. Close-Source LLM? 10 ponits you would need to evaluate for your Enterprise Use-cases.
TL;DR Summary
Why is AI important in the banking sector? The shift from traditional in-person banking to online and mobile platforms has increased customer demand for instant, personalized service.
AI Virtual Assistants in Focus: Banks are investing in AI-driven virtual assistants to create hyper-personalised, real-time solutions that improve customer experiences.
What is the top challenge of using AI in banking? Inefficiencies like higher Average Handling Time (AHT), lack of real-time data, and limited personalization hinder existing customer service strategies.
Limits of Traditional Automation: Automated systems need more nuanced queries, making them less effective for high-value customers with complex needs.
What are the benefits of AI chatbots in Banking? AI virtual assistants enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and empower CSRs by handling repetitive tasks and offering personalized interactions
Future Outlook of AI-enabled Virtual Assistants: AI will transform the role of CSRs into more strategic, relationship-focused positions while continuing to elevate the customer experience in banking.
Why is AI important in the banking sector?The shift from traditional in-person banking to online and mobile platforms has increased customer demand for instant, personalized service.
AI Virtual Assistants in Focus:Banks are investing in AI-driven virtual assistants to create hyper-personalised, real-time solutions that improve customer experiences.
What is the top challenge of using AI in banking?Inefficiencies like higher Average Handling Time (AHT), lack of real-time data, and limited personalization hinder existing customer service strategies.
Limits of Traditional Automation:Automated systems need more nuanced queries, making them less effective for high-value customers with complex needs.
What are the benefits of AI chatbots in Banking?AI virtual assistants enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and empower CSRs by handling repetitive tasks and offering personalized interactions.
Future Outlook of AI-enabled Virtual Assistants:AI will transform the role of CSRs into more strategic, relationship-focused positions while continuing to elevate the customer experience in banking.

Early Days:

LLMs have been around for decades, but their capabilities were limited due to computational constraints and smaller datasets. Early models focused on statistical language processing techniques.

Their capabilities and popularity have surged in recent years

  • Advancements in machine learning: Techniques like deep learning have enabled LLMs to process and learn from massive amounts of data, leading to significant improvements in performance.
  • Increased computational power: The availability of powerful computing resources like GPUs has made it possible to train increasingly complex LLM models.
  • Availability of large datasets: The explosion of digital information has provided the necessary fuel for training these data-hungry models.

Open Source vs. Close Source Debate

Around 2017: Advancements in deep learning architectures, particularly transformers, and the availability of massive datasets like Google Books and Common Crawl fueled significant progress in LLMs.

By 2018: OpenAI's Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-2) demonstrated impressive capabilities in text generation, attracting widespread attention & is often considered a landmark due to its public release and capabilities.

GPT-2 was not fully open-source. OpenAI opted for a controlled release due to concerns about potential misuse. This sparked the debate about open vs. closed-source approaches in LLM development.

The introduction of Open-source LLM

Universities have a long history of sharing research and code, fostering open collaboration. This philosophy naturally extended to the fields of AI and LLMs. The success of open-source software movements like Linux demonstrated the power of collaboration and community-driven development. This inspired researchers and developers to explore open-source approaches for LLMs.

Numerous research groups and independent developers are actively contributing to the open-source LLM landscape. This collaborative effort is constantly expanding the range of available models (OpenAI GPT-J, Meta AI Llama, EleutherAI Jurassic-1 Jumbo, Hugging Face Transformers,) and fostering innovation. A growing community of independent developers and companies are actively contributing to improve the open-source LLM landscape.

It's constantly evolving, with new models being developed and released frequently. The Hugging Face Transformers Library alone offers access to over 100 pre-trained models, and there are numerous independent projects launching new open-source LLMs all the time.

Competitive Edge of Open-Source LLM models:

  • Transparency and Trust: Enhance trust with visible code and data, allowing for identification and mitigation of potential biases.
  • Customization: Adaptable and customizable for specific needs, niche applications
  • Cost-Effectiveness: They are free-to-use models, reducing costs compared to licensing fees of closed-source options.
  • Rapid Innovation: The open-source community fosters rapid development and experimentation, leading to faster advancements in LLM capabilities.

Challenges with Open-Source LLM models:

  • Limited Resources: Open-source projects often rely on contributions from volunteers or smaller teams. This can limit the resources available for development, maintenance, and improvement compared to well-funded commercial efforts.
  • Quality and Consistency: The open-source nature allows anyone to contribute, which can lead to variations in quality and consistency across different models.
  • Security Vulnerabilities: If proper security practices aren't followed during development and maintenance can pose security risks & exploit sensitive information within the training data.
  • Scalability and Performance: Training and running large LLMs can be computationally expensive and might not have the infrastructure to compete with the scalability and raw performance of closed-source models from big companies.
  • Maintenance and Support: The responsibility for fixing bugs, maintaining the model, and providing user support falls largely on the open-source community
  • Deployment & Integration Complexity: often require more technical expertise compared to user-friendly, closed-source solutions.

Close-source LLM, how they are competing with open-source models?

Companies like Google, OpenAI, Microsoft, Amazon, and Baidu are at the forefront of closed-source LLM development. These models are often shrouded in secrecy regarding their code and training data.

Closed-source models are probably more numerous. Big companies with vast resources often prioritize closed-source development for commercial gain and control over intellectual property.

Competitive Edge of Close-Source LLM models:

  • Performance: They often have access to superior computing resources and invest heavily in research, allowing them to push the boundaries of LLM capabilities.
  • Focus and Control: Companies can tightly control the development and deployment of their models, ensuring they align with specific business objectives and mitigate potential risks associated with open-source models (like biases or misuse).
  • Ease of Use: Closed-source models are generally offered as polished, user-friendly APIs or services, making them ready-to-deploy solutions for organizations with dedicated customer support without extensive AI expertise.
  • Data Advantage: Large tech companies possess vast troves of data, potentially giving them an edge in training superior LLMs.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Some companies might prioritize data security and privacy concerns, keeping the training data and models under stricter control.
  • Commercial Value: Companies can leverage their closed-source LLMs to create valuable commercial products and services, generating revenue streams.

Challenges with Close-Source LLM models:

Let's take a look at some limitations of closed source llm

  • Limited Transparency and Control into the inner workings and training data, debugging errors or understanding model reasoning becomes more challenging
  • Limited Customization as typically restricted to what the vendor provides, cannot tailor the model's architecture or training data to address their unique requirements & integration challenges
  • Slower iteration & Innovation of close-source models which is often seen in the open-source community
  • Vendor Lock-In where switching to a different solution becomes difficult and expensive

Why Understanding Open vs. Closed Source Matters:

Understanding these differences is crucial for users to choose the right LLM for their needs. Lets understand characteristic of close source llm vs. open source llm.

Most companies currently deploy closed-source LLMs

  • Performance and come as ready-to-use solutions with support, making them easier to integrate; Data security and control; Focus on ROI; Large companies may have access to superior computing resources & trained on massive datasets.
  • Ideal for- Enterprise Businesses, Security-Sensitive Industries: Finance, ealthcare, or government agencies, quick deployment and integration, industries with high performance requirements.

Open-source gaining traction for specific use cases:

  • Customization needs and adaptation to their unique requirements & cost-effective, especially for companies with limited budgets for AI solutions.
  • Ideal for- researchers to experiment, iterate, and contribute to advancements in the field; Startups and Budget-Constrained Businesses customized for specific needs without hefty licensing fees; Building Custom AI Solutions.
10 points you need to evaluate between Open vs. Close source LLM model for your Enterprise Use-Cases.

The Future of LLMs:

The LLM landscape is likely to see a blend of both approaches. Closed-source models will continue to push the boundaries of performance, while open-source models will democratize access and foster innovation. Collaboration between these two sides could lead to even more powerful and responsible AI advancements.

  • Hybrid Approaches: Combining the strengths of both models, where open-source frameworks are used to build upon and customize functionalities offered by pre-trained, closed-source LLMs.
  • Focus on Explainability and Trust: As LLMs become more powerful, ensuring explainability, mitigating bias, and building trust will be crucial for wider adoption.
  • Collaboration: Increased collaboration between open-source communities and commercial entities to leverage the benefits of both approaches.

Keep pace with the dynamic advancements in LLM landscape by engaging with Fluid AI. Reach out to us to adopt & deploy the latest LLM model for your organisation with utmost security, privacy & added capabilities to make it Enterprise-ready, user-friendly & support throughout. We work with every LLM model avaliable & allow organisations to also easily switch to any new model launched swiftly to be ahead of the technological curve. We help organisation to deploy the advance model according to your usecases & organisational need. Fluid AI offers the flexibility of Private Deployment option or explore the flexibility of public along with hybrid hosting options.

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